Extra! Extra! What's New in Science?!
A webquest to publish a science newspaper on the world wide web!
Student Work
In order to complete this project on time and publish your news webpage before the deadline, you must follow the following steps carefully and work as quickly as possible.
- Step 1: In your groups of three or four, you must determine who is going to do what. You will have one editor and two or three reporters. The editor should be fairly good at editing grammar and spelling in documents and fairly comfortable with computers and word processing. Reporters should be able to conduct research online or in the library and paraphrase information found into articles concerning their specific topic. One reporter will research scientists who have made significant contributions to the disciplines of physics or chemistry. One reporter will write articles on inventions or discoveries that had an impact on society in general. One reporter will research current topics and write an article concerning new or recent happenings in the world of science.
- Step 2: Once you have chosen your roles, click on the folder that corresponds to your job title and begin web designing, researching, or writing!
- Step 3: Periodically, as you are working, refer to the rubric that will be used to evaluate your project. This will help you do the best job you can do.
- Step 4: Once the reporters have finished writing their articles, the editor will compile everything together in the webpage as a cybermagazine. You will save your webpage to a disk and submit it to your teacher by the deadline: Wednesday/Thursday, June 15 or 16.
All graphics from Animation Factory.
This webquest created and maintained by Brianna Abraham.
Last modified 04/05/11