Extra! Extra! What's New in Science?!
A webquest to publish a science newspaper on the world wide web!
Student Work
Congratulations, you have the presigious job of editor. As editor, you are responsible for setting up the webpage where you will display the articles written by your reporters. You will decide on the look and layout of the page. You will also edit the articles submitted by your reporters for any grammatical or spelling errors. This may seem like a daunting task, but if you follow the steps below, you should find it easy and fun. Good luck, and don't forget: there's a deadline to meet.

- Explore the websites listed below to see how different news agencies lay out their articles.
- Brainstorm ideas on how you want to layout your cybernewspaper. On a piece of paper, draw a sample layout to be approved by your teacher. Remember you will have to include the following items:
- name of cybermagazine
- date of publication
- six articles: two concerning scientists, two concerning inventions/discoveries, and two concerning current scientific events
- pictures with each article
- Once your layout has been approved, begin creating your webpage using Microsoft Word. Follow the following tutorials to complete this assignment.
- Change the page borders to 0.8" all around. To do this, click on "File," "Page Setup," and type in ".8" to "Top," "Bottom," "Left," and "Right" boxes.

- To pick colors for the background, click on "Format," "Background," and choose a color or Fill Effects.

- To move text to the center, right side, left side, or change the size, use the buttons at the top of the screen.

- To make columns for different articles, like a newspaper, do two things. First, click on "Insert," "Break," and highlight "Continuous." Then, click on the column button and choose two columns.

- To insert a picture, click on "Insert," "Picture," "From File."

- To format a picture so text wraps around it, click on the picture to reveal the formatting box, then on the picture of the dog with writing, and choose "Square."

- To insert dividing lines, click on the line button at the bottom of the screen. Then click and drag the mouse in the word document to make the line. You can change the angle and size of the line by clicking on the white circles at the end of the line you have just drawn. These can be used to separate each article from the other.

- To save your webpage as a webpage, click on "File," then "Save As." Choose where to save your webpage, type in a name for your webpage, and choose to save it as a "Web Page" as shown below.

- Below is just a sample of one idea for your webpage.

- If there is anything else you need help with, please ask your teacher for assistance. Your webpage is due no later than Friday, June 17.

All graphics from Animation Factory.
This webquest created and maintained by Brianna Abraham.
Last modified 04/05/11