All About Poetry
A Webquest About Poetry

Introduction       Task       Process       Evaluation       Conclusion


Step One: Research eight different types of poetry:

Use the worksheet to record the defintion and characteristics of each type of poetry, as well as an example.

Use these websites to get started with your research. This is not an all-encompassing list; you might have to look around on your own.

Step Two:
      Option #1: If you have a poet's heart, write your own original poems (eight of them, one for each type of poetry you researched). Illustrate your poems and put them in a portfolio.
      Option #2: If you hate writing poetry and don't have a creative bone in your body (that would be me!), find your favorite examples of the eight types of poetry, illustrate them, and put them in a portfolio. The poems you choose may not be those on the pages where you researched the type of poetry; you have to do a bit more digging! I want some variety of poems to read.
      Option #3: If you have some great ideas for a couple of types of poetry but are drawing a blank on others, you can mix and match options #1 and #2 by writing some and picking out your favorites of others. Just remember to illustrate them all!

Portfolio Requirements:

  1. Your portfolio must have a title page and a final back page. The title page should include a title, your name and period, and an illustration. The back page should be blank (just like the cover of a book).
  2. Each inside page should have the type of poem and a definition of that type written at the top of the page. Then there should be an example poem (either written by you or found). Make sure to include the author and a citation of the source if it is not an original poem. There should be some sort of illustration (hand drawn or put together from magazine pictures; it may NOT be printed from the computer).
  3. Each page should be typed or written neatly in ink - no pencil will be accepted! Use either white computer paper or colored construction paper; lined notebook paper is not acceptable.
  4. The portfolio should be bound together some way and put in the same order as the list of poetry in step #1.

To see how you will be graded on this assignment, check out the rubric.

All graphics from Animation Factory.

This site designed and maintained by Brianna Abraham.
Last modified 04/05/11