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Let's see what Corporeal Adventures is looking for as they evaluate your finished marketing campaign. Below you will find the rubric they will be using. Each team member will be graded on his/her own completed tour product. Each will receive individual scores on the first four scoring items, while the last one, formatting, will be the same for all team members.
Rubric for Tour Marketing Campaign
Project turned in on time is worth 5 points. Total score = 40 points.Itinerary contains all four required elements. Itinerary contains three required elements. Itinerary contains two required elements. Itinerary contains one required element. Includes all major organs, and descriptions are comprehensive and accurate; pictures enhance presentation Includes most of the major organs, and descriptions are accurate if not totally comprehensive; pictures enhance presentation Includes some of the major organs, and descriptions are mostly accurate; pictures included Missing important organs and information; pictures distract from the presentation Itinerary is exceptionally well-presented and organized, easy to read/navigate Itinerary is well presented and organized, can be followed without too much difficulty Itinerary is organized, might be slightly confusing to understand Itinerary is not organized and difficult to read/navigate. Little to no errors in punctuation and spelling Very few errors in punctuation and spelling Some errors in punctuation and/or spelling Errors in punctuation and/or spelling distract from final product. Formatting for all five tours is similar, demonstrates excellent team cooperation Formatting for most of teh tours is similar, most team members cooperated Formatting for some of the tours is similar, demonstrates some team cooperation Formatting is dissimilar for the tours, demonstrates little to no cooperation
Last modified 03/10/13