Welcome to Brianna Abraham's Portfolio

- Cover Letter
- Field Experience Hours
- Standards Grid
- Science Freaks Website with links to my two current class websites (Biology and AP Biology), my six webquests, my resume, and my philosophy of education.
- Quia Training Webpage with links to the PowerPoint and handout used for the training.
- Cell Organelles 1 Trackstar with worksheet
- Population Growth in the United States Trackstar with worksheet
- Periodic Table Project Trackstar with worksheets with picture of students' final products.
- Simple Machines and Rube Goldberg Trackstar with instructions, simple machines worksheet, and Rube Goldberg worksheet.
- PowerPoint notes
- List of video clips and animations used during notes to help explain/demonstrate concepts
- General Biology Syllabus
- AP Biology Syllabus
- Honor Code
- Examples of Quia Activities: one of each type
- Cell Organelles: Java Game for general biology
- Communities and Biomes: Hangman for general biology
- Solids, Liquids, Gases: Popups for physical science
- Waves, Light, and Sound: Rags to Riches for physical science
- Chapter 7 Vocabulary: Jumbled Words for AP biology
- Chapter 13 Vocabulary: Columns for AP biology
- Steps in the Scientific Method: Picture Perfect for all science classes
- The Nervous System: Battleship for general biology
- Intro to Biomes: Scavenger Hunt for general biology
- Sex-Linked Traits, Pedigrees, and Karyotypes: Scavenger Hunt for all biology
- 2nd Semester Review: Challenge Board for physical science
- Cell Theory and Organelles Quiz: Quiz for all biology classes
- Effectiveness of Health Class at MHS: Survey for Research class at FSC