All graphics from Animation Factory. This site designed and maintained by Brianna Abraham. Prop Designer
You are in charge of designing and providing the props needed for the video. Work with the script designer to determine what type of objects are easy for you to make and don't forget to bring them in when your group is ready to start filming. Below you will find the rubric which Omnibiotic will use to evaluate your contributions to the finished product.
Total score for Prop Designer = 55 points.
All props are assembled and available well in advance. They are checked the day before the shoot to ensure they are functional. A backup plan is developed to cover possible problems. Most props are assembled and available a few days in advance. They are checked the day before the shoot to ensure they are functional. A backup plan is developed. On the day of the shoot, some props are assembled, available, and functional. There may or may not be a backup plan. Needed props are missing OR were not checked before the shoot. No backup plan exists. All props appropriately and effectively illustrate the concept/process. Most props appropriately and effectively illustrate the concept/process. Some props appropriately and effectively illustrate the concept/process. Some props are confusing or inappropriate. Props are not appropriate and do not effectively illustrate the concept/process. Student creatively used different materials to assemble props. They demonstrate extensive thought and effort. Student creatively used different materials to assemble props. They demonstrate some thought and effort. Student used a few different materials to assemble props. They demonstrate a little thought and effort. Student used one or two materials to assemble props. They demonstrate no thought or effort. Students collaborated well to effectively develop storyboard, create props, and produce a quality video. Students collaborated to develop storyboard, create props, and produce an adequate video. Students did not collaborate often, and storyboard, props, and video do not complement each other. Students did not collaborate at all, and some required elements are missing. Used time well during class periods with no adult reminders. Used time well during most class periods with no adult reminders. Used time well but required adult reminders on a couple occasions. Used time poorly in spite of several adult reminders to do so.
Last modified 05/25/11