A Forensics Webquest
Applying Biology to Solving Real-World Problems

Murder in a Science Laboratory! Case ID# MJ-56298

You must be the forensic serologist who will analyze the blood evidence from the murder scene. Below you will find pictures from the crime scene as well as pictures of the two blood samples tested. Good luck!

Neck wound of victim

Tools used in dissecting specimen
Which one is missing?

Two Blood Types Found at the Scene
Evidence #MJ-56298-1
Evidence #MJ-56298-2

The following is a list of the victim's and suspects' known blood types:

  • Joe Griffin: A+
  • Susie Peterson: B-
  • Bradley Agnew: AB-
  • James Strafford: B-

All graphics from Animation Factory, except for divider line, which is used by permission from Crime Scene Investigations.

This site designed and maintained by Brianna Abraham.
Last modified 04/05/11