Elect That Organelle!
A Collaborative Project About Organelles and Politics

Introduction       Task       Process       Evaluation       Conclusion       Student Work 

Smear Campaign Organizer
Two of your team members will run a smear campaign against each of the other five candidates (organelles). You should address what diseases are associated with mutations and malfunctions of those candidates. How can/do they hurt your voters? Create at least one piece of literature against each candidate (poster, pamphlet, fact sheet, T-shirt, radio ad, etc). You do not have to use the same type of literature for each candidate; you can use as many different types as you want. The five pieces of literature can be displayed either in the classroom, hallway, or showcased during your campaign speech. You must also submit your sources (in MLA format) on a separate sheet of paper. This resource page is NOT counted as one of your five pieces of literature.

Check out the rubric for a better understanding of how you will be graded on this project.

All graphics from Animation Factory.

This site designed and maintained by Brianna Abraham.
Last modified 08/06/12